VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a secure network connection method used to establish a private, encrypted communication channel over a public network, such as the internet. With a VPN, users can securely access the internet, protecting their network communications from eavesdropping, surveillance, or tampering.

The working principle of VPN is as follows:

  1. Establishment of an encrypted tunnel: When users connect to a VPN, their devices establish an encrypted channel with the VPN server. This encrypted tunnel creates a secure pathway over the public network, ensuring that the user's data is protected during transmission.
  2. Data encryption and transmission: Once the encrypted tunnel is established, the user's data is transmitted through this secure tunnel. The VPN encrypts the data to ensure that it cannot be intercepted or altered during transmission.
  3. Access to the internet: Upon reaching the VPN server, the data is decrypted and sent to the target internet resources (such as websites, applications, etc.). During this process, the user's real IP address is hidden and replaced with the IP address of the VPN server.
  4. Privacy and security maintenance: Through a VPN connection, users can maintain their online privacy and security. Because all data is encrypted and the user's real IP address is hidden, users can safely access the internet without worrying about personal information leakage or surveillance.

VPNs are widely used to protect personal privacy, bypass geographical restrictions, access restricted content, and protect sensitive information on public Wi-Fi networks, among other purposes.

Why VPN is needed?

  1. Protecting Privacy and Security: Many individuals use VPNs to safeguard their privacy and security on the internet. By utilizing a VPN, they can encrypt their data traffic, conceal their real IP addresses, and prevent third parties from tracking and monitoring their online activities.
  2. Bypassing Geographical Restrictions: Numerous websites and streaming platforms are only available in specific regions. With a VPN, people can simulate being in other locations by connecting to remote servers, thus circumventing geographical restrictions and accessing blocked content and services.
  3. Secure Connection on Public Wi-Fi: When connecting to public Wi-Fi hotspots, personal information and data may be at risk. Using a VPN can encrypt data traffic on public Wi-Fi, thereby preventing hackers and intruders from stealing sensitive information.
  4. Accessing Home Networks/Enterprise Resources: While at home or working remotely, individuals can utilize a private VPN to access resources in their home networks, such as files, printers, etc. By connecting to the home router via VPN, users can access these resources just like they would on a local network.

Thrid-Party VPN vs Self-Hosted VPN

Third-party Virtual Private Network (VPN) services are typically established and managed by service providers, so while they may be labeled as 'private' in name, they are technically not private. These VPN services are often provided by companies or organizations and offered to the public through subscriptions. When using these VPN services, your data typically travels through the provider's servers, and the service provider may log some data related to service operations.

However, these third-party VPN services generally offer some level of privacy protection and security features, such as encrypting data traffic and hiding your real IP address. Nonetheless, since the service provider can access your data traffic, you need to trust that the service provider won't misuse your data.

In contrast, setting up your own private VPN gives you complete control over the VPN server and allows you to implement stricter security and privacy protection measures. Doing so can help better protect your personal data and privacy.

Moreover, when you work remotely or are away from home, using a private VPN can help you access resources in your home network, including files, printers, photos, videos, etc. Here are some ways a private VPN can help you access home network resources:

  1. Encrypted Connection: Establish an encrypted connection to your home network using a private VPN, ensuring that your data transmission over the internet is secure. Your sensitive information and data will be transmitted through an encrypted tunnel, preventing hackers and intruders from stealing your information.
  2. Simulated Local Connection: By connecting to your home router via a private VPN, you can access resources in your home network as if you were at home. Your devices will be assigned a local IP address, making them appear as if they are connected to your home Wi-Fi network.
  3. Access to Files and Resources: Once the VPN connection is established, you can easily access shared folders, photo libraries, video libraries, etc., in your home network. You can browse and open these files just like you would on a local network, and perform editing, sharing, or downloading tasks.
  4. Use of Home Devices: Using a private VPN allows seamless integration of your devices (such as computers, tablets, smartphones) with other devices in your home network. You can print documents from external devices by connecting to the home printer via VPN, or access smart home devices in your home, such as smart cameras or smart appliances.

Overall, using a private VPN enables you to conveniently access resources in your home network while working remotely or traveling, providing similar convenience and functionality as being at home.

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